Saturday, January 10, 2009


Life's ebbs and flows. V has been working very hard this week. Back to 5 day work week, and some other things she is doing. And she is getting some stress (she calls it frustration) from another source. Our late night meetings(conversations) were cut way back this week. I miss her, I miss the connection we exploded into the past 3 weeks. I miss what happened last saturday morning. I remember THAT vividly. Neither of us can get together this morning.
Last night, we just talked. The issues going on in her life. I just listened. I frustrated her a bit on Thursday night, so last night was for her, totally. I am forgetting her exact words last night, she just wanted comfort, she didn't want me to go, so we just listened to each other breathe.
In being with her last night, a calmness came over both of us it was soothing... I really felt close to her emotionally last night. She just wanted my calmness. I felt she relaxed.

All I could give her last night was my presence, just being there with her on the phone. Being calm.

I adore her.

1 comment:

  1. I think during times like this the important thing to do for each other is listen. That is so sweet how you adore her so much!
